To work with Deezer album objects.

the Deezer Album API Documentation for more details about each field.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



title: string
upc?: string
link?: string
share?: string
cover: string
cover_small: string
cover_medium: string
cover_big: string
cover_xl: string
md5_image: string
genre_id?: number
genres?: Genre[]
label?: string
nb_tracks?: number
duration?: number
fans?: number
release_date?: null | Date
record_type?: string
available?: boolean
alternative?: Album
tracklist: string
explicit_lyrics?: boolean
explicit_content_lyrics?: number
explicit_content_cover?: number
contributors?: Artist[]
artist?: Artist
tracks?: Track[]
role?: string
client: Client
_fields: string[]
_fetched: boolean = false
id: number
type: string


  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • relation: string
    • OptionalresourceType: new (client: Client, json: Record<string, any>) => Resource
    • Optionalparams: Record<string, string>
    • fwdParent: boolean = true

    Returns Promise<T>

  • Ensures a field is loaded, fetching the full resource if necessary.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • fieldName: string

      The name of the field to ensure

    Returns Promise<T>

    The value of the field

    Error if the field cannot be loaded