Usage Guide

First, import and create a new instance of the Client class:

import { Client } from 'deezer-ts';

const client = new Client();
const artist = await client.getArtist(27);
console.log(; // 'Daft Punk'
const album = await client.getAlbum(302127);
console.log(album.title); // 'Discovery'
const user = await client.getUser(2529);
const playlists = await user.getPlaylists();

// Iterate through playlists
for await (const playlist of playlists) {

The library provides a comprehensive error handling system with specific error classes for different types of errors. Here's how to handle them effectively:

import { 
} from 'deezer-ts';

try {
const artist = await client.getArtist(999999999);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof DeezerNotFoundError) {
console.log('Artist not found');
} else if (error instanceof DeezerAPIException) {
console.log('An API error occurred:', error.message);

The library automatically handles rate limiting by throwing a DeezerQuotaExceededError when the rate limit is exceeded (50 requests per 5 seconds). Here's how to handle it:

import { DeezerQuotaExceededError } from 'deezer-ts';

async function getArtistWithRetry(id: number, maxRetries = 3) {
for (let attempt = 0; attempt < maxRetries; attempt++) {
try {
return await client.getArtist(id);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof DeezerQuotaExceededError) {
// Wait for 5 seconds before retrying
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
throw error; // Re-throw other errors
throw new Error('Max retries exceeded');

The library provides specific error classes for different HTTP status codes:

import { 
} from 'deezer-ts';

try {
const album = await client.getAlbum(123);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof DeezerForbiddenError) {
console.log('Access forbidden - check your permissions');
} else if (error instanceof DeezerNotFoundError) {
console.log('Album not found');
} else if (error instanceof DeezerRetryableHTTPError) {
console.log('Temporary server error - retry later');
} else if (error instanceof DeezerHTTPError) {
console.log('Other HTTP error:', error.message);

The library's errors are organized in a hierarchy:

  • DeezerAPIException (base class)
    • DeezerRetryableException
      • DeezerQuotaExceededError (rate limiting)
      • DeezerRetryableHTTPError (temporary server errors)
    • DeezerHTTPError
      • DeezerForbiddenError (403 errors)
      • DeezerNotFoundError (404 errors)
    • DeezerErrorResponse (API business logic errors)
    • DeezerUnknownResource (invalid resource types)

This hierarchy allows you to catch errors at different levels of specificity:

try {
// Your code here
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof DeezerRetryableException) {
// Handle any retryable error (quota or temporary HTTP)
await retry();
} else if (error instanceof DeezerAPIException) {
// Handle any other API error

The library automatically handles rate limiting by implementing a queue system that ensures you don't exceed Deezer's limit of 50 requests per 5 seconds. When the limit is exceeded:

  1. The request is automatically queued
  2. A DeezerQuotaExceededError is thrown
  3. You can implement retry logic as shown above

For optimal performance, consider implementing your own rate limiting or caching mechanisms for high-volume requests.